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Your Digital Journey Starts here.

Smart Design

Investing in a high quality website is the digital equivalent of a gateway to your business right in the centre of the town or city, allowing you to attract more customers for a fraction of the cost.Website design should always be logical, responsive, and innovative. It has to not only grab attention, but also hold it. You have less than 6 seconds to gain a web visitor’s attention, so use those 6 seconds wisely by:

Making your website easy to use
Making it interactive
Using appropriate colours
Appropriating familiar design
Letting it tell a story


Good SEO practices will give you a solid foundation from which to build your brand.

We use all the expertise we have built up over the years and apply these practices to every part of your new website that we can.

After identifying the right keywords with you, we build these into your site and give you the power to continue doing so as you build your site with new content.

Dev System

The WordPress CMS system is probably the easiest and most powerful CMS solution you can find online.

It’s free to use and open source so not only will this cut down the initial costs, ongoing costs are usually lower too thanks to the open source community plugins. WordPress is extremely functional and customisable, so regardless of whether you need a 3 page brochure site or some kind of community magazine website, WordPress is usually the ideal solution.We also work with other CMS solutions including Joomla. Depending on the requirements we can advise if you will need to use this platform.

Hosting Costs

It’s annoying when you get quoted a price that you think is reasonable, but then you realise you have to pay up front for other related services, increasing the initial cost of your project.That’s why with us, the first year of hosting is always free, regardless of the size of your project. Hosting starts as soon as we set up a development website for your project and is renewed at that same time each following year.